DATE: 02/10/ 2023

Program Coordinators: Ms. Reshma P R

 Mr. Rajgopal A T


Clean Campus promotes Hygiene, It improves hygiene level in campus and also helps to reduce the spread of sickness, maintaining a clean college environment sets a good example to students. Cleanliness encourages learners to take pride in their college, which makes them less likely to drop litter and as such they will potentially make a bigger effort to maintain their environment.

Cleanliness is one of the fundamental needs of a civilized society.Garbage free  India or Swachhata Hi Seva is a national level campaign with an aim of cleaning India of unwanted filth from the society. As a part of our contribution to the Government’s initiative to clean India & Gandhi Jayanthi celebration, our NSS unit participated in the campus cleaning on 2nd October 2023 between 9.30 am to 2.30 pm.  About 30 volunteers of the NSS unit gathered at the event.    

All the NSS Volunteers pledged to work towards total cleanliness in their surroundings.                                                                             

                                                                                                                   RESHMA P.R

       Rajgopal A T

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