Staff Association

The Staff Association’s role within the college is multifaceted and essential to the overall well-being of the institution. Every academic year two staff secretaries are selected from the teaching staff. Mrs. Divya Antony, HOD, Department of Management is selected as Staff Secretary for the academic year 2023-24.The meetings conducted by the association serve as a crucial platform for addressing a wide range of academic and non-academic issues that impact the college’s functioning. This collaborative approach ensures that the concerns and suggestions of staff members are heard and acted upon, leading to continuous improvements in the college’s operations.The provision of entertainment programs and celebrations, such as those for festive occasions like Onam and Christmas, not only add joy and a sense of belonging among staff but also contribute to a positive work environment. These events provide opportunities for relaxation, socialization, and cultural exchange, enhancing the overall experience of being part of the college community. Staff Day remains a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the unity and camaraderie among the current teaching staff. It’s a day to acknowledge the collective efforts and achievements of the staff members, reinforcing a sense of pride and togetherness. The annual staff tour, filled with fun and frolic, offers staff members a chance to unwind and bond outside the campus environment. Such recreational activities are crucial for reducing stress and strengthening interpersonal relationships among colleagues. Recognizing and honoring award holders and retiring staff members through the presentation of souvenirs demonstrates the appreciation and respect the association has for its members’ contributions and dedication.


  • The Staff Association also strives to provide support for its members and encourages active participation in the college’s community life, creating a vibrant and engaged staff community.
  • The Staff Association focuses on developing effective channels of communication to enable staff members to fully engage and participate in the college’s activities and community life.
  • The Staff Association works to establish an effective mechanism that empowers staff members to actively participate in decisions that directly impact their professional lives and well-being within the college community.
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