One Day Orientation on YIP Innovative Program

Program Coordinator: Ms. Reshma P R                                      DATE: 19/02/2024


YIP is a specially designed program under Kerala Development and Innovation
Strategic Council (K-DISC). The program aims to empower future innovators to innovate
new products, services or models to meet emerging requirements, unarticulated needs,
or existing market needs of the society more effectively through an innovative
YIP Cell organized Young Innovators Program for PG & UG students of the college
on 19 th February 2024 at college Mini Auditorium. The program aims to formulate
groups for the submission of innovative ideas. Ms. Afla Nazrin, YIP Intern was the
resource person of the orientation Class. Welcome addressed by Ms. Reshma P R and
delivered vote of thanks by Ms. Meenakshy Prakash. Hundred students from various
departments attended the session.
Fifty groups were formed and registered in YIP under K- DISC.

Ms. Reshma P R

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